In most areas, February is a great time for gardeners to sow seeds inside for crops like Lettuce and Celery. You can give your plants a head start before the last frost by starting seeds indoors. We would recommend the following varieties to sow during February:
Vegetables to start growing in February indoors:
Cauliflower: Since they thrive in chilly climates, these crops are best planted early in the spring.
Lettuce Butterhead, Romaine, Loose Leaf: Lettuce thrives in cool climates and grows rapidly. It's perfect for harvesting in the early spring.
Celery: It's best to start celery indoors early because it requires a long growing season. It requires constant watering.
Flowers to grow indoors:
Petunia: For robust, healthy growth, petunias require warmth.
Geraniums: Geraniums thrive in sunny locations and are excellent summertime patio or garden plants.
Herbs to grow indoors:
Parsley & Coriander: Parsley and Coriander grows well in cold climates and can be germinated inside and then transplanted or grown in pots.
Basil: Basil needs warmth to germinate, so keep the soil temperature between (21°C-24°C). Basil requires 12-16 hours of light a day, so use a grow light if natural sunlight is insufficient.
Thyme: Thyme requires a lot of light, so put it next to a window that faces south or use a grow light. Thyme is a hardy perennial that, with some care, will continue to grow year after year. It can be harvested in 8–10 weeks.